
Business Model
Value Proposition
Elevator Pitch


Main Reasons for Failure
Personality Test

Finding 10 hours per Week

Slides from Session nº3

(Click in the picture above to have access to this session slides)

Main Reasons for Failure

Within 3 years 92% of startups fail. Learn from their mistakes

(Click in the picture above to have access to the list)

A community of founders learning together. We have interviews with the founders of failed and successful startups,
articles about entrepreneurship, and carefully curated resources to make you a better founder.

(Click in the picture above to have access to the website)

16 Personalities Test

(Do You Have What It Takes?)

(Click in the picture above to have access to the test)

Finding 10 hours per Week

(Click in the picture above to see the video, created using


Idea Generation, Founder Centric

The Smarter Startup, pages 17 to 33

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